It is great to see a magazine solely dedicated to informing Turkish students on what Canadian education has to offer, their options and choices... What they said about EduLife Canada Magazine

 It is great to see a magazine solely dedicated to informing Turkish students on what Canadian education has to offer, their options and choices in studying in Canada to make meaningful connections that will span the globe after they become graduates of Canadian institutions. Canada is a modern, progressive nation with open-minded citizens and we warmly welcome Turkish students to our society. I congratulate your efforts in promoting Canada and wish you all the success.

Chris Cooter

Honorable Canadian Ambassador in Turkey

1It’s encouraging to see a publication that is dedicated exclusively to Canadian content. This is unique in the Turkish market. What I hope is that we can use it, in the future, to reach Turks who have had a positive educational experience in Canada and who have returned to Turkey to continue their professional and personal development and to build successful lives…

Ulric Shannon

Consul General of Canada in Istanbul


 I am happy that you and your team have chosen to promote Canadian education. More and more Turkish students are applying to study in Canada and of course, we welcome them. I believe the key for a bright future of your business and magazine, you will need to focus on your value-added for Turkish students.

Christopher Wimmer

Senior Trade Commissioner and Consul of Canada for Turkey


Oh, I thought it was beautiful. The production of the magazine was really extraordinary… I also felt that the magazine did a good job at capturing the breadth of experience that Canada has to offer from hockey to IT, from big cities, to small towns.

Crista McInnis

Deputy Director at Strategic Initiatives Division,

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada



I think that your magazine is opening a new window to students. Variety of subjects that you are touching and information that you are giving is very useful. When I look the care that you are giving to prepare the magazine, the result is not suprising me.

Nedime Konuksever

Air Canada Turkey Manager



Your magazine is very impressive. Indeed, I have been carrying it with me as I show people how you are promoting Canadian education in Turkey. Please, keep up the good work!



Suzan Kendall

Principal of Fulford Academy



  EduLife Canada Magazine is a great resource for Turkish students to nd the best schools and programs in Canada. I have enjoyed being a part of the institutions collaborating with the magazine and hope Edulife Canada Magazine continues providing this service to students for many years to come.
Aldo Mendizabal
Durham College Manager, International Recruitment


Your magazine has a beautiful design and satisfiying content about education opportunities and life in Canada. I congratulate you and wish you all the success.


Enver Yücel

Bahçeşehir Uğur Educational Institutions Chairman


Firstly, I’d like to thank you, on behalf of ILAC, for giving us the opportunity to be the first supporter of EduLife Canada Magazine. EduLife Canada Magazine, presenting Canada and the educational opportunities in Canada objectively, is a well qualified guide for all the students in Turkey who wish to pursue an education in Canada. Congratulations to EduLife Canada team, especially Ms. İbiş, for publishing Turkey’s first magazine about Canada and for your success. I truly appreciate your efforts.

Elif Silliaste

ILAC Representative in Turkey


I think EduLife Canada Magazine is a very good guide for the ones who doesn’t know Canada and reticent to make their choice.

Alara Büyükçınar

Alumni of McGill University




I think it’s a great idea and very useful. Considering the amount of misinformation around us, it’s very important for people to find correct and up-to-date information. It’s also very important that the magazine has an objective voice. Hearing about hardships and downsides will help students to be prepared.

Nevzat Gürmen
VP Finance and Administration at 

Seneca College


I think it’s a very interesting publication, it looks great. Very professional.

Alexander Prokopenko
Associate Director, International Recruitment and Market Development
Humber College



EduLife Canada Magazine